Welcome to Coloradans for Accountability: Empowering Everyday Coloradans
At Coloradans for Accountability (CFA), we’re committed to restoring balance to the scales of justice and power, making sure every citizen has a voice against corporations and powerful entities. We stand for justice, accountability, and the rights of individuals harmed through no fault of their own.
This November, join us in championing two critical ballot measures designed to empower Colorado's citizens and ensure justice for all:
Empowering Juries: Restoring citizen juries the power to determine monetary damages for civil cases involving wrongful death and catastrophic injuries, as opposed to allowing big corporations and their lobbyists to continue dictating the law.
Patients’ Right to Know: Enshrining the right of patients to access comprehensive details about their medical treatments and the full scope of their care, especially in adverse events.

Colorado's spirit is unmatched, with its clean environment, active lifestyle, and vibrant culture. However, the value placed on life in the face of medical negligence or catastrophic accidents is unjustly capped, undermining the suffering of individuals and their families. Our neighboring states recognize the severity of such losses without such restrictive caps. Coloradans For Accountability is here to:
Restore Jury Empowerment: It's time to return the power to our juries, allowing them to make informed decisions on non-economic damages in civil lawsuits, free from pre-set limitations.
Encourage Accountability: Removing damage caps will increase incentives for safer behaviors, reducing incidents of injury and death.
Trust and transparency are the foundations of the medical professional-patient relationship. Yet, too often, critical information is withheld from Colorado patients, leaving them in the dark about their own healthcare.
Expand Medical Record Transparency: The Patients' Right to Know initiative seeks to ensure that all aspects of patient care are disclosed in medical records.
Highlight the Need for Openness: We underscore the urgent need for this law. Our ballot measure would address real issues - see this story about sterilization issues at Advent Health Porter Hospital in Denver.
In Colorado under current law, if you or your family member dies or is catastrophically injured as a result of medical negligence, your life carries a price tag of exactly $300,000 in civil court, no matter how shocking and horrible the circumstances.
If you die after you have been severely injured, your life is valued at $679,990.
If you are catastrophically injured as a result of a car accident, you are worth $729,790
These facts & figures make no sense, nor are they compassionate towards the financial ruin that catastrophic injuries, accidents, and deaths can have on accident victims & their loved ones.
It’s time to restore power to citizen juries to decide the non-economic damages in civil lawsuits, rather than impose limits before one fact is heard in court. Doing so would also increase accountability for dangerous behavior that causes injury and death. Damage “caps” are so low in Colorado that there is little incentive to correct behavior that can harm the public.
If you live in any of the surrounding states of Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona or Oklahoma under the same unfortunate circumstances, you would not face the same limitations.
Juries were allowed to decide damages in Colorado until the mid-1980’s, during an historic recession. Colorado legislators passed laws to “cap” damages based on insurance industry demands, threatening companies would be forced to pull out of Colorado without the changes. Insurance corporations falsely claimed the “caps” would stabilize insurance premiums. Premiums have continued to increase and injured people have paid the price instead.
It is time to restore citizen juries’ rights to decide cases based on the facts of each case, not let politicians and insurance companies limit those decisions before one fact is presented in court.
VOTE YES to return power back to juries on November 5, 2024.
Transparency is the best medicine. Unfortunately, Colorado patients don’t always get the entire picture in their own medical record. The medical professional-patient relationship is a personal one based on trust.
Patients place their lives and often substantial financial resources in the hands of medical professionals and medical facilities for responsible health care. The “Patients Right to Know” would expand the amount of information required to be included in all Colorado patients’ medical records.
All too often Colorado patients now rely on whistleblowers or informants to come out of the shadows and provide answers to patients and their families that should be readily available.
For instance, thousands of patients were left uninformed when Advent Health Porter Hospital (formerly Porter Adventist Hospital) experienced problems decontaminating surgical instruments from 2014-2018. Despite repeated complaints from surgeons and hospital staff, management did not adequately address the problem.
Tens of thousands of patients were never notified about the sterilization problems at their hospital.
Because of more than 200 patients filing lawsuits, evidence was uncovered that hospital administrators knew there were increased patient infections, yet took inadequate action to protect patients and also withheld information from state and federal regulators.
VOTE YES for transparency and Patients’ rights on November 5, 2024.
Take Action: How You Can Help
Together, we can create a fairer, more transparent Colorado. Your vote is powerful—let's use it to bring about meaningful change for all Coloradans.